Multi-threaded Proxy server#
A multi-threaded forward proxy server in Go using low-level socket connections to handle concurrent client requests efficiently.
- Caching: Build in-memory LRU cache to store and serve frequently accessed response
- Scalability: Integrated LRU cache with mutexes for thread safety and semaphore-based concurrency control (buffered channels) to manage request limits
- Technical Stack: Go, HTTP, TCP/IP, Concurrency, Channels, Mutex.
🚀 Features#
- HTTP proxy Support
- Concurrent request handling with semaphore limiting
- Caching Strategy
- In-memory LRU Cache
- Handling request on TCP level
Source Code#
Muliti threaded proxy server with caching support.
📺 Watch full demo#
📂 Project Structure#
├── app.go # contains server classes
├── go.mod # go module file
├── helper.go # helper functions
├── internal
│ └── cache
│ └── lru.go # LRU cache implementation
├── main.go
├── proxy.go # proxy implementation
🛠️ Setup & Run#
Clone the repository#
git clone <repository-url>
cd multithreaded-proxy-web-server
Install Go dependencies#
go mod tidy
Build the binary#
go build -o bin/proxy .
Execute the binary#
./bin/proxy -port=9000
now the proxy server is running on port 9000
Test Locally using Postman#
First, setup proxy setting to port 9000 in postman application, and you are all good to send your requests.
To be implemented (open for contribution)#
- HTTPS support
- Cache Invalidation policy ➜ multithreaded-proxy-web-server git:(main)