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Multi-threaded Proxy server

·225 words·2 mins· loading · loading ·
Go tcp
Harish Sheoran
Harish Sheoran
Table of Contents

Multi-threaded Proxy server

A multi-threaded forward proxy server in Go using low-level socket connections to handle concurrent client requests efficiently.

  • Caching: Build in-memory LRU cache to store and serve frequently accessed response
  • Scalability: Integrated LRU cache with mutexes for thread safety and semaphore-based concurrency control (buffered channels) to manage request limits
  • Technical Stack: Go, HTTP, TCP/IP, Concurrency, Channels, Mutex.

🚀 Features

  • HTTP proxy Support
  • Concurrent request handling with semaphore limiting
  • Caching Strategy
    • In-memory LRU Cache
  • Handling request on TCP level

Source Code


Muliti threaded proxy server with caching support.


📺 Watch full demo

📂 Project Structure

├── app.go                    # contains server classes
├── go.mod                    # go module file
├── helper.go                 # helper functions
├── internal
│   └── cache
│       └── lru.go           # LRU cache implementation
├── main.go
├── proxy.go                  # proxy implementation

🛠️ Setup & Run

Clone the repository

git clone <repository-url>

cd multithreaded-proxy-web-server

Install Go dependencies

go mod tidy

Build the binary

go build -o bin/proxy .

Execute the binary

./bin/proxy -port=9000

now the proxy server is running on port 9000

Test Locally using Postman

First, setup proxy setting to port 9000 in postman application, and you are all good to send your requests.

To be implemented (open for contribution)

  • HTTPS support
  • Cache Invalidation policy ➜ multithreaded-proxy-web-server git:(main)


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